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  1. (1) 宿泊の申し込みが、この約款によらないとき。
  2. (2) 満室(員)により客室の余裕がないとき。
  3. (3) 宿泊しようとする者が、宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
  4. (4) 宿泊しようとする者が、次のイからハに該当すると認められるとき。
    1. イ 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団(以下「暴力団」という。)、
    2. ロ 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき
    3. ハ 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの
  5. (5) 宿泊しようとする者が、他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
  6. (6) 宿泊しようとする者が、伝染病者であると明らかに認められるとき。
  7. (7) 宿泊に関し暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき。
  8. (8) 天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
  9. (9) 宿泊しようとする者が、泥酔者で近隣に著しく迷惑を及ぼすと認められたとき、宿泊者が他の宿泊者に著しく迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
  10. (10) 危険物(ストーブ等の火器、石油類、銃刀類)及び人体に有害な物品を持ち込むとき。
  11. (11) 山梨県旅館業法施行条例の規定する場合に該当するとき。
  12. (12) 過去に第11条の適用を受けた者であるとき。



  1. (ア) 宿泊者の、住所、氏名、電話番号、性別、国籍、および職業
  2. (イ) 宿泊日の、到着予定時刻、会社名、申込者の電話番号および氏名
  3. (ウ) その他、当宿泊施設が必要と認めた事項










  1. (1) 宿泊日当日に解除した場合は、一棟貸し切り基本料金・および追加お一人につき宿泊料金の100%、
  2. (2) 宿泊者が連絡をしないで、宿泊日の午後8時になっても到着しないとき、又は、到着予定時刻を2時間以上過ぎて(午後8時を限度)連絡のない時は、その宿泊予約は申込者により解除されたものとみなし、処理することがあります。
  3. (3) 予約日数が短縮等した場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1日分(初日)を基準に違約金比率で収受いたします。
  4. (4) 解除されたものとみなした場合において、宿泊者がその連絡をしないで到着しなかったことが、列車、航空機等、公共の運輸機関の不着または遅延、その他宿泊者の責に帰さない理由によるものであることが証明されたときは、(1)の違約金はいただきません。ただし、宿泊者より連絡があった場合に限ります。



注意:%は、宿泊料金に対する違約金の比率です。 予約日数が短縮等した場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1日分(初日)を基準に違約金を比率で収受いたします。




(1) 第3条(1)の事項
(2) 外国人にあっては、旅券番号、日本上陸地および上陸年月日
(3) 出発日および時刻
(4) その他、当施設が必要と認めた事項



午前12時より午後3時まで 1時間ごとに5,000円

午前11時より午後12時まで 1時間ごとに5,000円










受付窓口 株式会社LOOOF 社長室
E-mail: info@loof.inc

この度は、当ホテルをご利用頂き誠にありがとうございます。「ウェディングフォト」 撮影につきましてご案内申し上げます。


(1) 第2条(3)から(12)までのいずれかに該当することになったとき
(2) 宿泊者以外のものを客室内に入れたとき
(3) 第10条に定めた利用規則に従わなかったとき
(4) 寝室等での寝たばこ、消防用設備等に対するいたずら、その他当施設が定める利用規則禁止事項に従わないとき
(5) 第7条の宿泊の登録事項、申し出事項に虚偽が発覚したとき
















宿泊料金 基本料金(室料+夕食含)
追加料金 追加人数分料金
その他 食事、食材、物品、サービスを購入した代金
税金 消費税






1. 免責事項について


その完全性、正確性、 安全性、有用性などについて保証するものではなく、弊社は一切の責任を負いかねます。

2. 著作権について


3. 商標について

本ウェブサイトでは、第三者に対して商標などの使用許諾を行っておりません。弊社の同意がない限り、もしくは、本利用条件において使用が明確に認められていない 限り、本ウェブサイト上に掲載されている商標などの不正使用を禁止します。

4. リンクについて

本ウェブサイトは、外部のウェブサイトへのリンクを提供する場合がありますが弊社は、外部のウェブサイトを管理する立場にありません。 リンクしていただいたページのURLを弊社 宛にお知らせいただければ幸いです。

5. 準拠法および管轄裁判所















株式会社るうふ 担当:保要 佳江
Representative: Yoshie Hoyo



Article 1 Application of These General Terms and Conditions

Article 1 Application of These General Terms and Conditions

1. Lodging agreements and agreements pertaining to them which are concluded for this facility are based on the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. Particulars not prescribed by these General Terms and Conditions shall be determined in accordance with laws, regulations, and custom.
2. The provisions of the previous paragraph notwithstanding, if the parties have entered into a special agreement of a scope which does not conflict with the intent of these General Terms and Conditions, with laws or regulations, or with custom, said special agreement shall take precedence.

Article 2 Refusal to Conclude a Lodging Agreement

This facility may refuse to enter into lodging agreements in the following circumstances.

  1. (1) When a request for lodging is not in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.
  2. (2) When the facility is fully booked.
  3. (3) When it is deemed that a guest seeking accommodation might commit acts which, in relation to lodging, run counter to the provisions of laws and regulations, to public order, or to good morals.
  4. (4) When it is deemed that one or more of the following attributes 1 through 3 applies to a party requesting lodging.
    1. 1. The party is an organized crime group as defined by Article 2.2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991), a member of an organized crime group as defined by Article 2.6, or an associate or affiliate of an organized crime group, or other anti-social group.
    2. 2. The party is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are dominated by an organized crime group or member thereof.
    3. 3. The party is a corporation with one or more officers being an organized crime group member.
  5. (5) When the speech and actions of a guest seeking accommodation are a severe annoyance to other guests.
  6. (6) When it is evident that a guest seeking accommodation has a communicable disease.
  7. (7) When a guest uses violent acts to make demands, or requires an unreasonable burden on the facility regarding accommodation.
  8. (8) When, for unavoidable reasons such as a natural disaster or failure of the facility building or equipment, the facility cannot accommodate a guest.
  9. (9) When a guest seeking accommodation is intoxicated and would clearly cause severe annoyance to other guests, or when the speech and actions of a guest are a severe annoyance to other guests.
  10. (10) When a guest brings hazardous items (kerosene space heaters or other appliances that use flame, petroleum products, or weapons such as firearms or swords) or other articles which may harm others.
  11. (11) When a guest’s actions correspond to the provisions of the Yamanashi Prefecture Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance.
  12. (12) When Item (11), above, was applied to a guest in the past.

Article 3 Reporting of Guest Information

Persons seeking a lodging agreement with this facility must provide the following information.

  1. 1. Each guest’s physical address, name, telephone number, gender, nationality, and occupation.
  2. 2. Estimated arrival time on lodging date, company name, telephone number and name of person making request.
  3. 3. Other information deemed necessary by this lodging facility.

When a guest, while lodged at the facility, requests an extension past the lodging date specified in item 2 above, this facility will process the application for a new lodging agreement by accepting the request when the lodging fee is paid in advance and only when there are no conflicting reservations.

Article 4 Concluding Lodging Agreements

1. A lodging agreement is concluded when this facility has accepted a lodging agreement request made personally by a prospective guest. However, this condition shall not apply when this facility proves that it has not accepted the request.

2. When a lodging agreement has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, the guest shall pay an application fee determined by this facility and limited to the basic lodging fee for the lodging period (or three days if the lodging period exceeds three days) no later than the date specified by this facility.

3. The application fee shall first be applied to the lodging fee that is ultimately to be paid by the guest, but if the agreement is canceled by the guest, or if this facility incurs damage because of a willful or negligent act by the guest, the fee shall secondly be applied as a cancellation fee, and thirdly as compensation, in that order. Any remainder shall be returned to the guest upon payment of the lodging fee.

4. If the guest fails to pay the application fee under the provisions of Paragraph 2 by the date specified by this facility, the lodging agreement shall be invalid. However, this condition applies only when this facility has informed the guest of this fact when specifying the application fee payment deadline.

5. A reservation application must be made no later than 12:00 noon on the day before the scheduled lodging date. However, this condition does not necessarily apply when the application is received via the internet.

Article 5 Reservation Cancellation

This facility shall receive the cancellation fees specified below when a lodging reservation applicant cancels a reservation in whole or part (including preordered meals, cooking ingredients, services, and product purchases).

  1. (1) The fee for cancellation on the lodging day is 100% of the basic fee for renting the entire facility plus the additional per-person lodging fee; 100% two days prior; 75% for seven to nine days prior; 50% for 10 to 14 days prior; and 20% for up to 15 days prior.
  2. (2) In the event that a guest does not contact the facility and does not arrive by 8:00 p.m. on the lodging date, or does not contact the facility even after more than two hours have elapsed since the scheduled arrival time (with 8:00 p.m. as the limit), the lodging reservation may be deemed as cancelled by the applicant, and processed in like manner.
  3. (3) In the event that the number of reserved days is reduced or otherwise changed, this facility shall receive payment at the same rate as cancellation fees, based on the fee for one day (the first day), regardless of the reduced number of days.
  4. (4) In the event that, in accordance with the previous paragraph, a reservation is deemed to have been cancelled, but the guest proves that the reason for the no-show without contact was the non-arrival or delay of a train, passenger plane, or other public transport, or some other reason that is not attributable to the guest, the cancellation fee specified in Paragraph 1 shall not be charged. However, this condition applies only when the guest has subsequently contacted this facility.

Cancellation Fee

Lodging day
2 days prior
7 days prior
10 days prior
20 days prior

Cancellation fee

1.Percentages are cancellation fee proportions of lodging fees (Table 1).
2.In the event that the number of reserved days is reduced or otherwise changed, this facility shall receive payment at the same rate as cancellation fees, based on the fee for one day (the first day), regardless of the reduced number of days.

Article 6 Right to Cancel Reservation Lodging Agreements

In addition to situations otherwise specified, this facility can cancel lodging reservations and lodging agreements in the following situations.
1. When any of the items 3 through 12 of Article 2 apply.
2. When the information specified in Article 3 item 1 cannot be obtained, or has been falsified.
3. When payment of the application fee specified in Article 4 was requested but not received by the deadline.
4. When in the conclusion of the lodging agreement specified in Article 4, it is found that the person making the reservation is not the same person as the guest.
Additionally, when this facility cancels a lodging reservation pursuant to any of the four provisions above, any reservation fee already received will be returned.

Article 7 Lodging Registration

1. We ask that on the lodging day, guests register the following information with this facility.
(1) The information specified in Article 4 item 1.
(2) For non-Japanese, passport number and the location and date of disembarkation in Japan
(3) Departure date and time.
(4) Other information deemed necessary by this facility.
2. We ask that non-Japanese without addresses in Japan show us their passports and allow us to copy them.

Article 8 Check-in and Checkout Times

1. Check-in time at this facility starts at 2:00 p.m., and guests must check out by 11:00 a.m.
2. Only when possible, guests may be granted use of this facility and grounds at times other than those specified in Paragraph 1. The additional fees are as follows.
(1) Early check-in fee
Between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m.: ¥5,000/hour
(2) Late checkout fee
Between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon: ¥5,000/hour
Past 12:00 noon: fee for one night’s stay
3. When staying two or more nights, guests may use the facility and grounds all day, excluding the arrival day and departure day.

Article 9 Fee Payment

Fee payment, to be completed by the designated date, involves payment of the application fee (i.e., the lodging fee) by one of several methods: (1) transfer to designated bank account, or online payment by (2) Paypal, or (3) credit card payment through Metaps. The lodging fee must also be paid even if the facility was made available but guests did not stay at their own discretion.

Article 10 Terms of Use

Guests must abide by the Terms of Use in the facility building and on the grounds.

Article 11 Refusal to Continue Stay

This facility may in the following situations refuse to allow guests to continue their stay even though during an agreed lodging period.
(1) A situation to which at least one of items 3 through 12 of Article 2 applies.
(2) A guest has brought someone who is not a registered guest into the facility.
(3) A guest has not abided by the Facility Rules specified in Article 10.
(4) A guest has smoked in the bedroom or other no-smoking area, has damaged fire-fighting equipment, or has otherwise violated prohibitions in the Terms of Use established by this facility.
(5) A falsehood has been discovered in the lodging registration information provided by a guest under Article 7.

Article 12 Actions Taken When Facility Is Unable to Fulfill Agreement

1. When this facility is unable to fulfill its agreement with a guest, the facility shall, with the guest’s consent, do its utmost to find other accommodations meeting the same criteria.
2. The provisions of Paragraph 1 notwithstanding, when this facility is unsuccessful in finding another lodging facility, it shall pay to the guest an amount of compensation equal to the cancellation fee, and the compensation shall serve as payment for damages. However, when this facility is unable to fulfill the agreement because of reasons beyond its control, no compensation will be paid.

Article 13 Handling of Deposited Items

1. This facility does not offer a deposit service for guests’ property.
2. This facility bears no liability for the the loss or breakage of, or any other damage to articles, cash, or valuables brought into the facility by guests.

Article 14 Storage Or Safekeeping of Guests’ Baggage Or Personal Effects

1. This facility can receive and store guests’ baggage prior to their stay here, but we cannot receive and store valuables.
2. When guests have forgotten baggage or personal effects at the facility (including items in the safe) after checking out, the facility will put them in safekeeping for seven days, including the day on which they are discovered. After the seven-day period has elapsed, valuables will be taken to the nearest police station, and other items will be disposed of.

Article 15 Parking Space

1. This facility has free vehicle parking for guests. Please enquire about parking when booking your stay.
2. This facility cannot take responsibility for custodianship of vehicles.

Article 16 Internet Service Disclaimer

Guests use computers or other communication devices in this facility on their own responsibility. This facility assumes no liability whatsoever even if an interruption of service, arising from system failure or other cause when using computers or other communication devices, results in damage or loss to guests.

Article 17 Liability of Guests

In the event this facility suffers damage owing to an intentional or negligent action of a guest, that guest may be required to pay damages.

Article 18 Competent Court and Applicable Law

All disputes arising with respect to these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved in accordance with Japanese law in Yamanashi District Court or Yamanashi Summary Court, which have jurisdiction over the district in which this facility is located.

Table 1. Total fees paid by guests.

Lodging fees Basic lodging fee (lodging plus dinner)
Additional fees, fee for additional guests
Other fees Fees for purchased meals, cooking ingredients, products, and services
Tax Consumption tax

Note 1: Basic and additional fees are the monetary amounts declared by this facility when reservations are made.
Note 2: Infants and small children are free (however, we cannot provide bedding and breakfast for them).

About this Website

Thank you for visiting LOOF’s website. This page offers information aimed at giving users of this website a better experience.

Terms of Use

This website is operated and managed by LOOF Inc. Please use the site while keeping the following conditions of use in mind. Note that information on this site may change or be deleted without notice.


We have exercised the utmost caution in posting information on this website. However, no guarantee, express or implied, is given regarding the completeness, accuracy, safety, usefulness, or other attributes of said information, and Ashigawa Plus shall not be held responsible in any way whatsoever. Under no circumstance does Ashigawa Plus accept liability for damage arising from the content or functions of this website. Even in the event that customers’ information equipment or data requires repair or recovery owing to use of this website, customers shall bear the full cost.


The copyrights and other rights to the individual texts, graphics, designs, images, files, and other items (hereinafter, “content”) posted on this website reside with Ashigawa Plus, original copyright holders, and other right holders. Therefore, reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this content is prohibited without the express permission of the right holders.


The rights to names, trademarks, trade names, logos, and service marks (hereinafter, “trademarks”) appearing on this website reside with Ashigawa Plus. On this website we have granted no permission to third parties for use of trademarks. Unauthorized use of the trademarks appearing on this website is prohibited unless consent has been granted by Ashigawa Plus or unless use is expressly permitted by these Terms of Use.


Although this website has some external links, LOOF Inc. is in no position to manage external websites. Accordingly, LOOF Inc. assumes no responsibility for the content of external websites, and makes no recommendations for the advertisements, products, or other subject matter on external websites. Other parties may freely link to this website whether for profit-making, non-profit, or intranet purposes. We would appreciate receiving notice of the URL(s) to which you have linked. However, we strictly prohibit links from websites with content which libels, or damages the reputation of, LOOF Inc. or its products and services, or from websites which host illegal content.

Applicable Law and Competent Court

The interpretation and application of this website and Terms of Use are based on Japanese law. Unless otherwise provided, Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance for all disputes related to this website.

LOOF Inc. Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

LOOF Inc, which operates LOOF, acquires customer information in the process of providing services. So as to earn the trust of guests and provide a sense of reassurance, we endeavor to protect personal information acquired from them.

Acquisition of Personal Information

LOOF Inc acquires personal information in a proper manner without resort to falsehoods or other inappropriate means. Purpose of use: LOOF Inc uses personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes.
1.The performance of LOOF Inc business operations and administrative tasks such as communications.
2.Providing information on lodging, events, and services.
3.Sending New Year’s cards and other written greetings.
In the event we desire to use personal information for purposes other than those specified above, LOOF Inc will seek advance consent from those individuals.

Secure Customer Data Management

LOOF Inc takes the necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage or loss of, or damage to the personal information in our possession, and to manage said information securely.

Entrusting Customer Data to Third Parties

In the event that LOOF Inc entrusts the handling of all or part of customer personal information to a third party, LOOF Inc will conduct a rigorous review of said third party, and perform the necessary and appropriate supervision of said third party to provide for the secure management of the personal information thus entrusted.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except when required by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations, LOOF Inc will not provide customers’ personal information to third parties without the customers’ consent.

Divulgence and Correction of Personal Information

LOOF Inc will promptly divulge a customer’s personal information upon receiving a request for divulgence from that customer. However, the information will not be divulged if we are unable to confirm the customer’s identity. If a customer’s personal information contains errors, and the customer requests corrections, additions, or deletions, LOOF Inc will investigate and promptly respond to the request. However, we cannot respond to the request if we are unable to confirm the customer’s identity. If you have such a request or a question about the handling of your personal information by LOOF Inc, please contact us at the following email address.

Policy Change

The terms of this policy may change. Unless otherwise provided by LOOF Inc, changes made to this policy take effect when published on this website.